Thursday 23 May 2013

Original Concepts (Are There Any?)

In cinema (Horror and other Genres), the directors of the films we see say "oh yes, go and see my film and you will be taken on a ride like no other because there are things in there that people have never seen before".

We go see the film and guarenteed there will be things we have seen from other films just put in a different way.

Take the film SAW, everyone has seen the film so they know what it's like, and everyone says its original.

But before SAW wasn't there a film out called CUBE that had a similar plot.

Then after SAW there was ARE YOU SCARED?, SAW II, III and so on.

Take the slasher genre, everyone says HALLOWEEN was the 1st slasher film but when you read deeper into it you will find out there was a slasher film before HALLOWEEN called BLACK CHRISTMAS.

To be honest there is only 7 stories or possibly 10 that were original decades ago and now directors are just retelling these 7 - 10 stories,

For Example

Yojimbo = A Fistful Of Dollars

Porkies = American Pie

A Virgin Spring = Last House On The Left

Night Of The Living Dead = Evil Dead

There are plenty of more that I cannot think of at the minute, they do gthe same with computer games. I think they should seriously think of new stories to make or write and if they do decide to make new stories I hope the low budget companies who do rip off's don't start doing that.

Thank you for reading

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