Saturday 25 May 2013

Warrior (Review)

Last night I watched Warrior which is an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) film about two brothers played by Tom Hardy & Joel Edgerton that don't get along.
Tommy (Joel) is an ex marine that is haunted by his past of almost drowning and dying which has made him go off the rails. Brendan on the other hand is an ex MMA fighter who is now a teacher and also has the perfect family but he has a problem, he has no money coming in and could lose his house.

That is until they both hear about a huge MMA event called SPARTA which could turn both of their lives around.

Now let's be honest, if you've seen THE FIGHTER then you know what to expect, this is near enough the same story just with a different sport and I will admit it was a good film which starred lots of real MMA fighters and UFC stars (including WWE / TNA wrestling star KURT ANGLE which puts in a menacing performance).

It just wasn't what I expected, yes the fights are well filmed and it is like watching a UFC event in the fight scenes.
I just didn't warm to any of the characters and it was more drama then action (which can be a good thing) but this left me cold as you can see who the main fight is going to be against before it even gets there.

The film rushes to it's main event final and it seems that in the film everyone and their dog is really into MMA like a religion and their TV is stuck on the channel that is showing MMA, UFC, ESPN MMA News (anything to do with MMA).

It just seemed rushed to me like they had ran out of ideas so it was a quick let's get to the main event.
So I'll end it here by saying if you like MMA check this film out, otherwise your not missing much as their are films that tell this type of story better.

Friday 24 May 2013

Obessions With Most Haunted

Not many people will know that I am a ghost believer and when I heard about this show I was in my element. What had happened was my friend had told me of this show where a medium and a crew of camera men would go into a haunted house / hotel or whatever it may be and spend the night.

So one night when it was going to be on my friend invited me round to watch an episode (I can't for the life of me remember which episode it was) but I can remember how I felt and the format was original.

The format was Yvonne Fielding would go around wherever the episode was set and go into the history and of what ghosts were where and what they would do. Then a Medium Derek Acorah would turn up and do his job of talking to the spirits through Sam his guide.

Then they would spend the night with night vision goggles and see what would happen (normally with the odd bang and lots of screaming). Which annoyed me as all we, the viewers could hear nothing but screams of Yvette etc.

At the end of the show they would have another Medium look at the footage and give his insight on what happened.

Naturally all you could see was orbs or dust specks. All the ghost action would happen off screen and they would expect us to believe what they had seen.

Well after that I wanted to see more (which I didn't until I bought the DVD box sets). My friend was scared as he lived in a flat on his own and I thought it was funny that he was scared.

I was recently healing from an operation so that made me have a lot of free time so I ordered the DVD sets from all 14 of them and I watched them through 1 series after another.

I read a lot into it too and found out Derek had left through someone setting him up and they brought in a new medium. I have to admit it wasn't the same but I continued watching.

I still enjoy watching them even now it's ended and there was a whole slew of new mediums that took over but nobody will have the same impact Derek Acorah had on me.

Every now and again he does live shows and I would love to see him live at some point.

Made In Chelsea

I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but I have decided to come out nd say yes I am a MADE IN CHELSEA fan. Yes the show is a gulty pleasure of TV for fans of the show who wouldn't admit to it. Well I have decided to say why I like the show and hopefully with me writing this other fans may decide to come out.

I like the show because unlike THE ONLY WAY IS ESSEX clan the MIC clan are not thick as shit and they know Russia dosen't boarder Wales. They also don't sound thick like Amy Childs (or are they just acting thick because they know it works).

Yes they are rich and go to parties I could never afford in my life but that's the glam side I like about it, seeing the lives of rich people.

Also Spencer Matthews seems to scheme a lot and always seems to sulk when he can't get his way, which is funny to see. The Theme tune is rather catchy too and i've had it in my head for days. The only thing that annoys me about the show is the Spencer & Caggie will they get together or not and it's been dragging on for the 5 series it's on. Just get on with it please.

Please tell me what you think of the show and thank you for reading

Letter Stealing

Last month I got a letter printed in Play Magazine (a PS3 Mag) about an idea for trophies.
Well in this month's edition somebody has nicked my letter, rewrote it slightly different but still kept my idea.

Even Play has noticed and said "Stu Vernon wrote that last month are you sure you haven't took his letter and re arranged it".

So even the magazine has noticed hence my idea couldn't have been that bad if people are taking it. I should have TM it.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Shameless Finally Coming To An End

I love the series and my 1st time watching it was from series 4 where Shane nicked a race horse. I then borrowed series 1-4 from my girlfriend and began watching from the beginning. Then I bought it myself.

I think from series 6 with Paddy tied to a bed was where it began turning shit. It was more drama then comedy and the Maguires took centre stage (I prefered the Maguires as a background family - they were more menacing). Then all the best characters left, Kev, Veronica, Fiona, Steve etc.

So now it's finally coming to and end I hate to say it but im glad as Ch4 were running it into the ground.

Straight To DVD

With new horror they always seem to go straight to dvd and because of that most people won't touch them.

I am different in that regard because there are some hidden gems in the straight to dvd horror market, ok you might have to shift through the shit but some are worth watching.

Most of my horror collection are straight to dvd films, it includes Survival Of The Dead, Some Things Never Die, Dread, Midnight Meat Train and others.

There was one I bought that was a very low budget horror and reviews have been split. It was CRADLE OF FEAR, I am a CRADLE OF FILTH fan but for he budget the film was well made.

I understand there are less restrictions on what they can do when they go to dvd but that makes for very creative horror.

Obviously there is some crap like Sickle, the remake of Day Of The Dead, Evil Aliens etc, but there are also good ones like Outpost, Survival Of The Dead, Wilderness etc.

The amount of times I have picked up a horror having heard nothing about it because its straight to dvd and enjoyed it is uncountable.

Im looking forward to watching Train, Harpoon and The Stepfather along with Splinter, Inside, Babysitter Wanted, Deadwood, Run Bitch Run among others.

So all i'm saying is try straight to dvd films you may find a hidden gem

Extended Editions

Hello, I don't get why they have extended editions or "the version that was never shown in the cinema".

People buy it thinking that it's going to be better or more violent or whatever but then when you finally watch it, it's the EXACTLY the same film you saw at the cinema.

At least put more into it if that's what the cover is promising. If it's extended put the deleted scenes back into the film and have a documentary as a special feature.

What I don't get is when they say it's a longer cut of the film (Director's Cut) then have the deleted scenes as a special feature.

With the LORD OF THE RINGS dvds at least they got it right with the extended editions, the length of the films were a lot longer with the deleted scenes put back into it.

An example of this uncut version/more violent and people buy it thinking that it's going to be better or more violent or whatever but then when you finally watch it, it's the EXACTLY the same film you saw at the cinema is THE UNBORN.

I bought that in a sale and the dvd said UNSEEN EDITION so I thought yes more gore, more scares, more possession etc then when I watched it it was the same.

I'm sure there will be others like this. Please give your examples.

So all i'm saying is if it's going to be an uncut more gore then ever before edition then put the deleted scenes back in it and make it longer.

Thank you for reading

Cradle Of Fear

I am a huge fan of Cradle Of Filth and I even went to see them perform live at Newcastle.

When I had heard that Dani Filth was going to star in a horror film I just had to see it. Even though it was straight to dvd. I knew it was going to be low budget so I wasn't expecting much.

I thought Dani did an ok job and the special effects were low budget but effective.

I had also heard rumours that the BBFC was going to cut bits out so when I saw it uncut I knew I was going to be in for one hell of a ride.

I was at college when I first saw the dvd case and the morbid pics on the back of the cage made me want it even more.

Then I saw it in HMV and just bought it on an impulse and watched it in bed that night. The gore was decent looking and some of the kills were inventive and it was unlike anything I had seen before.

With it being a film with Cradle Of Filth in it I expected more of their songs in the soundtrack but what I got was dark ambient and strange sound effects (which went well with the tone of the film).

All in all I liked the film and there is a lot worse out there (Sickle to name one) and the scene where Dani ripped out a blokes throat and pulling apart the head was awesome.

This is not a review just what I thought of the film in general

When DVD Labels Put Thought Into Their Films

I was thinking about DVD labels recently for some reason.

Im sure other DVD collectors will agree with this but I like it when they put some thought into their releases. For example - When Shameless put out their BRONX WARRIORS tin box set.

They had put a lot of thought into the design of the tin etc, so it just shows that the people at Shemeless care about theit buying public.

Another that srings to mind is the excellent 5 disc edition of Blade Runner and the people who made that edition must have spent ages thinking about what to put into that edition.

I do appreciate it when companies do that it just shows they care even if it's a 15 page booklet.

What I also like is when they put a picture of some kind on the dvd it's self too, I know it's a small feature but it makes all the difference to me.

What I don't like is when a film company just throw out an edition without any thought. For example just say they put out The Omen.

And when you buy it all it has is a case with a basic cover, but when you look inside there is no booklet and the dvd is just silver - it shows that they don't care and it was like they said - yeah ok that will do just hurry up and get it out.

So what I'm saying putting some thought into how a dvd is presented goes a long way and is appreciated by dvd collector's

Black & White Films

For some reason I have a great fondness for old horror from the 1930's going through to recent films.

But for the purpose of this I shall write about the black and white horror from the 30's etc.

My first black and white horror film I had ever watched was NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and many (as well as me) hail this as a horror classic but it dawned on me that there are plenty of other classics that aer not widely spoke about.

I have bought a box set with 50 horror films in it going from Carnival Of Souls through to Last Man On Earth and Night Of The Living Dead.

I wasn't really bothered about Carnival Of Souls until I had seen it in this box set and I was hooked, the atmosphere was just soaked in dread, the music helped too. It was a brilliant film with weird things happening then the end was just scary as hell.

With the Universal monster films I haven't seen that many, the only 1 i've seen is THE MUMMY with Boris Karloff and that was too talky for me without ant scares but I think back in the day it would have been terrifying.

There are 2 here i am going to mention that I think most of you may not have heard of and they are THE SCREAMING SKULL and NIGHTMARE CASTLE.

Now these to me are pure classics. Nightmare Castle is about a baron who finds his wife having an affair and in pure rage he kills her and her lover. Then a few years later he re marries and moves his new wife into his castle.

At night footsteps can be heard, howling, laughting things moving etc but nobody can see anything. The atmosphere is brilliant, and to see these people go through emotions and slowly losing their sanity is epic.

THE SCREAMING SKULL is about a woman who drowns and her husband picks her skull out of the pool and it starts appearing in different places of the house without anyone moving it. Again footsteps can be heard and laughter etc but you don't see anything.

The reason I like black and white horror is because it drips with atmosphere and you don't see the scares or blood it' all down to your mind.

I can't cover the entire black and white films because i would be here all day so hopefully I have covered a few films that many people haven't seen.

Thank you for reading

Quentin Tarantino

Everybody seems to love him and I am a fan of his films and have them all on DVD.

His fans rant and rave about how original he is and to a degree I agree.

BUT!! can the man do a film with his own ideas. Kill Bill had the theme of Death Rides A Horse, and numerous other asian and Western parts from other films all mixed into one film.

Death Proof has took the idea of old Grindhouse films and mish mashed them.

And there are others I can't think of at the min, I just think he should at least just once think of his own ideas and do an original film.

And I thought if I was a film maker and I did what he did I would get done for copyright.

So all I'm saying is can he just once do his own film without paying homage to other films.

I know it's just a quick blog but thank you for reading.

Psychological Horror

I prefer these types of horror films because I believe the things you can't see is more scary and I believe it plays on your mind a lot more then the slashers of Halloween, Friday The 13th etc.

I think THE OTHERS is a really scary film in this sense and i've heard others say PARANORMAL ACTIVITY is another. So I think they are overall better horror films in general as a lot of thought has been put into them.

For me psychological horror is far more scary-after all what you imagine is always so much more scary than whats shown to you . Don't get me wrong, i like a bit of gore as much as anyone, but to me its just entertainment.

I think one reason may be that psychological horror movies require more concentration and atmosphere. Watching them alone, with the lights off helps but many people today will watch a movie on a laptop in a crowded train and that just won't work as well.

What are some of your faves and why?

Axed TV Series

For some reason I have been watching a lot of TV series - things like The X Files, 24 etc and I really enjoy them as it is different from films.

But recently I have been watching the series of BLADE. I think it is a very good TV series and it has everything (or almost everything) that fans love about BLADE.

Then it just ended apruptly which annoyed me, but I thought oh there might be a 2nd Series. Then I read into it looking for a release date for the second series.

As I was reading up on it I realised it had been cancelled and there was not going to be another series because it got cancelled half way through the 1st series.

That really pisses me off because the fans who put their time into watching the show gets the short end of the stick.

The studios arn't happy for the existing fans watching the show, the exsisting fans get pushed aside.

I think it's the studios just being greedy. They want more all the time and in the case of series coming out in DVD box sets, us UK fans always get the short end of the stick there (I'll save that discussion for another blog).

I haven't seen the TV shows of ROME and DEADWOOD and I really want too. But again I have heard they got axed after the 2nd or 3rd series. It's just not on.

Thank you for reading.

UK DVD Buyers Get The Short End Of The Stick

As you all know we UK DVD buying public always seem to get shafted when it comes to our fave films etc.

When it comes to special features we don't get as many as the USA edition of the dvd. For example say you bought THE BURNING - Region 2 UK edition).

The special features on it are a few trailers and a making of doc. This is just an example.

Then you look on the US release, not only does it have a different sometimes better cover but you get a 3 disc uncut edition.

With Trailers, Interviews, Documentaries, Making Ofs, Special effects docs, etc. The film is 50 mins longer too.

I want that edition brought out over here but no we get a shit edition.

We have got brilliant 9/10 disc box sets of the ALIENS SAGA and THE MATRIX but I just want the best editions there is out to be released over here rather then a sub standard edition with a few trailers on.

Thank you for reading,

Arrow Video

Hello and welcome to another blog.

I have just bought the ARROW release of CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD and I am stunned at the amount of content you get in the release.

The release makes the VIPCO edition I have completely void and just shit really. I think every horror release should come with the same content - posters etc.

Now I was just wondering if any other ARROW films are worth buying and any help would be greatful.

Thank you

Nights Of A Zombie Massacre

The Romero Downfall

As we all know George is well known for his zombie films. But I wonder how he feels about his other films not doing that well.

THE CRAZIES didn't do well and he even admitted it himself and it didn't make much money (until the remake probably).

MARTIN has done quite well and continues to do so now it's released on Arrow, it's one of them films that has you thinking apparently (I say apparently because i've never seen it).

TWO EVIL EYES probably did better with the involvment of Dario Argento but if he had done it himself it probably wouldn't do much.

There are other Romero films that he has made that hasn't done that well (I can't think at the minute what they are). So when he decides to do another film do you think he dreads it as he knows it won't make much.

Thats why I think he sticks to zombie films because he knows they make a lot of money, but do you think he would like to make other films instead of undead films


Now I don't know about you lot but when I watch 60's - 80's horror films I like to see the grain/black flickers etc of dust on the film I am watching, it added a certain Grimy/Grindhouse feel to the film.

It adds to it like they have been sat in a vault for so long and they are happy to see the light of day.

A few examples is City Of The Living Dead, Zombie Flesh Eaters, and there are too many horror films to mention.

Thats why I'm 50/50 on buying a Blu Ray Player, I would like one to see how THE MATRIX looks and other epic CGI films but I don't want the old classic 60 - 80's horror films to get a good clean up and the dust removed.

Vipco's Vaults Of Horror were good at releasing films that hadn't been cleaned up THE BURNING, SHOGUN ASSASSIN springs to mind.

So I like the old films to look as if they are old.

Thank you for reading

Prism Horror

I am quite open minded when it comes to horror, unlike many teenagers who think a horror film needs to be in the cinema to be good otherwise it's crap.

I on the other hand look forward to films coming straight to dvd other then the cinema.

And on my search many years ago for horror -mainly Vipco Vaults Of Horror films at the time I came across a little known studio who released many genre films - Action, Thriller, Adventure, Horror among others.

Their name was Prism Leasure. Their films were low budget and straight to DVD and they were cheap (£5.99 per film) so at this price I bought about 5 of them not expecting pure brilliance.

The 5 were Final Scream, I've Been Watching You, Children Of The Living Dead, Do You Wanna Know A Secret, The Unseen and Some Things Never Die.

Like big budget films some films were better then others.

But what I found interesting about them - even though they were not original ideas that they were watchable and some were quite good and should have got better sales.

So I have been hunting down more and watching them and enjoying them, ok they are not mind blowing but are entertaining and I think more people should watch them.

Vampire Rant

Original Concepts (Are There Any?)

In cinema (Horror and other Genres), the directors of the films we see say "oh yes, go and see my film and you will be taken on a ride like no other because there are things in there that people have never seen before".

We go see the film and guarenteed there will be things we have seen from other films just put in a different way.

Take the film SAW, everyone has seen the film so they know what it's like, and everyone says its original.

But before SAW wasn't there a film out called CUBE that had a similar plot.

Then after SAW there was ARE YOU SCARED?, SAW II, III and so on.

Take the slasher genre, everyone says HALLOWEEN was the 1st slasher film but when you read deeper into it you will find out there was a slasher film before HALLOWEEN called BLACK CHRISTMAS.

To be honest there is only 7 stories or possibly 10 that were original decades ago and now directors are just retelling these 7 - 10 stories,

For Example

Yojimbo = A Fistful Of Dollars

Porkies = American Pie

A Virgin Spring = Last House On The Left

Night Of The Living Dead = Evil Dead

There are plenty of more that I cannot think of at the minute, they do gthe same with computer games. I think they should seriously think of new stories to make or write and if they do decide to make new stories I hope the low budget companies who do rip off's don't start doing that.

Thank you for reading

Anal Horror Fans

Just skimming reviews of some of arrows new releases and looking at some of the reviews, does anyone else get a little embarressed by some of the anal comments regarding transfers? I've encountered these bores at film festivals who harp on about how your not a real fan unless you own the obscure overpriced german version which is MILES better quality.

Ok Arrows City of the living dead is the BEST version, for picture sound and extras, as is their release of Dawn Of The Dead. I wont know about deep red until the disc is released but perhaps companies need to think again about letting reviews for products hit the site before the disc is actually out?!

Anyway rant over

See No Evil

I had first heard of this film through advertising via WWE, and I thought this film should be rather good, it had Kane a 7 ft man as a killer. Then I bought the film and enjoyed it.

Even though it was straight to dvd (a slasher film as well), I found the deaths rather inventive and the charactor's had some depth to them. There was obviously the key people - the slut, good girl, bad arse im hard bloke etc and the dialogue needed some work but I did enjoy it.

Plus Kane looked the part and you could see he enjoyed it.

This isn't a review it's just an opinion.


Now as you all know I post up videos on there that are mostly reviews of DVD's I have, and every now and again i'll talk about different subjects (so I don't bore everyone).

I do get nasty comments on my vids that sometimes gets me down and they are mainly about my voice. I have had support from subscribers saying continue what you do etc.

So I have decided to try and upload 1 million videos about allsorts of stuff, I know it's going to take a while but I want to see if I can do it because i've never seen a Youtube account with that many uploads

Spaghetti Westerns

My 1st experience with the sub genre of the Spaghetti Western was when I bought the DOLLARS TRILOGY starring the great Clint Eastwood and I have to admit I never knew what a Spag Western was. Obviously I had heard of Westerns eg John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and others and I just thought that was a posh name for a few.

Then I had read deeper into the Western genre and it turned out they were made on a low budget and made in Italy, Spain and Germany. It was an answer to the people who grew tired on the John Wayne good guy a man has to do what a man has to do type of brovardo.

And they wanted something a bit more gritty and violent. Anyway I watched these Dollars films and really enjoyed them.

I then watched RIO BRAVO starring John Wayne and immediatly saw the difference.

I prefered the Spag Westerns because they seemed more realistic, the sweat, they may have had STD's and they needed a good bath. They were out for themselves and they didnt care who they shot.

Where John Wayne had clothes that looked like they were Daz washed.

I then watched ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST which was a Spag Western to a degree and I enjoyed it but I prefered the Dollars films.

The music in them too was brilliant where the music in American Westerns seemed old and cheesy.

Death Rides A Horse was next and that was a good western too. Last night I watched DJANGO and I understood why everyone raves about the film. It was brutal, the town was covered in mud.

Lets be honest here John Wayne, Garry Cooper etc whould not survive in the Spag West. It was a brutal way of life.

So that's why I prefer Spag Westerns to American Westerns


Hello and welcome to another blog, in this blog I will be talking about the splatter film.

Many people like horror because they like the feeling of being scared, now I find that a good psychological film scares me - it's the feeling of dread and not knowing what is going to happen and when.

These are also known as ghost stories example being Ring, A Tale Of Two Sisters and The Eye. The feeling I get from them is like I said dread and that is to me a good horror.

Splatter does not scare me as much, don't get me wrong I do like slasher films, zombie films and others, but I don't get how some films just feature blood and gore splattering everywhere every 5 mins to scare people.

It gets predictable oh here is Jason then stab, splats blood everywhere, after a while it gets boring and the director should know better.

Now if it was done decently and tastefully (I know its the wrong word to use but I couldn't think of another) then that too can be scary and make people jump and be more memorable then lets kill 20 people and have blood every 2 seconds.

So all i'm saying is if Splatter is done decently and with more care then it will be remembered by people who see the film,

I have gone before to see a film at the cinema during the day (a horror film) and by the evening I have forgotten everything about the film - and i'm sure that isn't what the director wants, they want you to remember the film.

Adolf Hitler - A Nice Bloke?

Please respond to this....... I might do a video on YT where I asked the same question. Ages ago I asked a question on Adolf Hitler and if in real life he was a nice bloke. Because all we hear about is Death camps, Jew murdering and evilness. Nobody ever talks about him as a human with feelings or how nice he was to fans. On the videos Ive seen he's there smiling, shaking hands, signing autograph's and just being polite.

Anyway I posed this question and I got a ranting loonatic saying he was the worst man ever blah blah blah. I asked if he/she had met him in person or they were just going off what books have written. Their reply was the latter. So basically they didn't have a leg to stand on.

With this im expecting mixed reactions so please just think it through proper before spitting angry rage filled rants at me

Yakuza 5

I was reading about Yakuza 5 today in hope of some new news. Well there was news and it was bad news. The news was Sega are not releasing Yakuza 5 in the West (UK, USA) as Dead Souls didn't sell that well outside of Japan. I Know it's a small title compared to Call Of Duty but I really enjoyed the games as they were different from the normal games we have.

Hopefully Sega will see sense and release it in the West. There is also a lot of hate getting thrown around for Sega and with decision making like this I don't blame all the hate. Are Sega wanting us to hate them?. So hopefully with all the support us fans give the game it might make them think about releasing it.

Ray Harryhausen R.I.P

I can see this going into a rant but when you have read what I have to say you probably will agree with me.

Yesterday we were all saddened by the news of Ray Harryhousen dying. Well upon that news I told my mother, step father and girlfriend, well mam and Paul looked at me blankly then said "who?", I explained to them who he was and I still got a who?"

Later I told my girlfriend and was met with the same "who?". Well with that I went off on a rant and you may agree with what I said:

"Who, ****ing who..... Obviously nobody gives a **** about him because he was an SFX bloke and did great things yet nobody cares but if it was Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise even David Beckham dying the whole world would ****ing come to a stand still, I ****ing give up trying to explain".

With that I stormed out the room with rage bubbling inside me. I have nobody to talk to about films and when I do try to tak about films to them I get a blank look

Drive By Egging

Last night I was walking home from my girlfriends minding my own business when sudden I got an egg thrown at me by a passing car. Without thinking I shouted for fuk sake then looked to the floor.

It didn't smash on it, it bounced off me and smashed on the floor. It hit with such impact Im surprised it didn't smash.

Turns out my girlfriend's bother got an egg thrown at him the night before but it smashed on his shoes.

They might throw an egg at the wrong person and get a brick thrown back at them.

Bus Seat Sick

Yesterday when I was going to Redcar a little girl with her mother got on the bus and sat behind me. The girl was stood on the seat which I wouldn't allow, anyway the little girl smelt of sick and cough sweets.

The seats on the bus are arranged seat, devider, seat and I was sat on the 1 nearest the isle. Then all of a sudden the little girl spewed on the seat literally next to me nearest the window.

Luckily none splashed on me and I was getting off at the next stop anyway, but the mother didn't say sorry to me and looked at me as if it was my fault her daughter was sick.

Everyone I've spoke to said they would have had to move as the sick would have made them feel sick.

Addicted To Films

Just now I have read Nosferatu's blog on how he became a film addict. Well that has made me want to write my blog on here about my journey.

Now I've never figured out where my film addiction comes from as my mam, dad or step dad don't watch many films and couldn't tell you who is who.

But my 1st foray into film and the addict came from one christmas when I was young. Mam was ironing and I sat watching TV - Father Christmas, Snowman etc when suddenly a little film starring a young Jennifer Connelly and singer David Bowie came on. As You have probably guessed by now it was Labryrinth and I was hooked to the TV as the fantasy and goblins took my mind to other places.

Then I went to my uncles who lives in Manchester and to keep me occupied as my mam and him and his wife chatted he put on the Dolph Lungdren film Masters Of The Universe and again I was hooked to the screen. I know the film has hate but at the time I thought it was brilliant.

After that the GHOSTBUSTERS craze took hold and they made 2 films which I watched and proper enjoyed. Little did I know that they would become classics. I would run round pretending to blast ghosts with my toy proton pack I had got for christmas. I also believe in ghosts so I was in my element.

Then the TMNT or Hero Turtles here took hold and the craze began. My uncle (who was married to my auntie at the time) had recorded the 1st Turtle film and I watched it and to be honest it didn't blow me away like the previous films did. I could take it or leave it. We then bought our 1st VHS recorder and funnily enough my mam bought be the Labyrinth VHS which I watched over and over which drove mother mad lol.

My dad then for christmas bought me a video player for my bedroom where every year my mam would buy me the newest Disney release - Aladdin, Basil The Great Mouse Deective etc. Where I would watch them in bed.

Now I suppose your wondering where the horror films come into play. Round about when the NES came out my grandad would babysit for me as mam went out to work in Woolworths. He had a small selection of videos - Childs Play 3, Predator, Terminator, Commando, Raw Deal, Cat's Eye etc etc.

One day when he was looking after me I asked what Cat's Eye was and he put it on which I liked because mother wouldn't let me watch horror. The image of a goblin steling the breath of a little girl sleeping and her throwing it in a fan to slice still is fresh in my memory. The week after he put on Child's Play 3 and I was hooked at all the gore. It was class. Then one night he put on Maniac Cop and I thought it was good.

The rest he had put on over time and Total Recall was the last one he put on for me to watch as someone had told my mam and she went mental with him. So when he stopped he put on Suburban Commando with Hulk Hogan in it.

Mam then bought me Drop Dead Fred and Mr Nanny and I watched them. I had a friend who's mam had taped Beetlejuice and she had asked my mam if I could watch it. She agreed as she knew I'd seen worse. When I turned 18 that was it I bought everything I could get my hands on

But what made me an addict was the release of DVD, My mam had bought me a dvd player which is the best dvd player i've had. And she had bought me 7 dvds for christmas and I became an ADDICT buying everything.

I was Global Video's best customer buying everything from Cannibal Holocaust, Zombie Flesh Eaters and other Vipco's through to soft skin films called Bare Witch Project, Sexy Scary Movie etc. Normally all in one go.

Yes as many others have claimed I also double to triple dip. I own 3 versions Of Zombie Flesh Eaters and the most ive dipped on is the Alien lot.

I own 4 versions of them. Please read my other blogs to do with Exorcist and Nosferatu etc on how I watched them

Has George Romero Lost It?

I am an absolutley huge Romero fan, I love his early films, the dead trilogy, the crazies, etc. And I waited over ten years for Romero to do another zombie movie, (since dawn of the dead).

I was so excited when Land of the Dead was announced, I could not wait to see it, but I was so disappointed. The characters were poor, the plot was thin and I just didn't like the idea that the zombies were becoming intellegent, or having a purpose, it ruined the idea of the pure instinctual driven "all i want to do is eat you" zombie. Which we all love (or I do), zombies should not have powers to reason - they are dead and they want to eat the living - simple! If you want intellegent, reasoning undead, watch a vampire movie. (Please note, that the clever zombies are not the sole reason I do not like land of the dead, the aforementioned characters and plot too).

However, I have since warmed more to land of the dead since seeing dairy of the dead, which was completley and utterly terrible, the acting was awfull, the characters were too stereotypical and cliched and the plot was paper thin and had too many faults. What was he thinking. He had me at the start, but lost me about 20 minutes in.

Now we have Survival which I think falls way short of his other classics.

My Journey To See THE EXORCIST

I had bought a film magazine to read and it was a Horror Special for the month and with it I got the novel of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Inside there was a top 50 horror film chart which had in it Dawn Of The Dead, Evil Dead, Ring, Blood From The Mummy's Tomb among others.

Also in this there was a huge feature about THE EXORCIST and the stir it caused among cinema goers (people running to the hills screaming, fainting, etc) with a pussed up girl and head spinnings among other things made me want to see the film.

At the time I was 12 and we could rent VHS tapes from my local convienence store and THE EXORCIST was there.

I asked my mam to which she repied no, it's an 18 for a reason and that answer made me want to see it even more.

Determined, I asked around my friends to see if any had it. Saddly none did.

I had a friend who acted older then he was and you could ask him anything and he would have a full conversation about it. I asked him about the film of THE EXORCIST and he told me all about it. He told me that it was more of a drama than a full on blood bath.

Without me knowing my mam had asked her friend who had seen the film, she advised my mam not to let me see it.

A few days passed and went round John's again who had rented a video, before putting it on he had asked if I wanted to watch a film, like a fool I said no because I couldn't be bothered watching a film.

He took the film back the next day and I asked what it was. He then told me it was THE EXORCIST and I turned it down.

I was kicking myself.

My mam had got a new boyfriend too (which she married and still is). They were gioing out for a meal and was leaving me in the house by myself. Mam had asked if I wanted to rent a film.

I replied THE EXORCIST and before she said no mam explained to him my determination to see this film. I was 15 and he took her to one side and said "look just let him rent it, remember it was in the 70's it was made and it will be tame now". She then turned to me and said "it's your lucky night - Paul is going down to Bells to rent it".

They then went out and I ended up watching this film which I enjoyed to no degree.

When I turned 18 I bought the film on VHS then on DVD when they came out.

I now have THE EXORCIST complete Anthology Box Set in my Collection.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this.

Vipco's Vaults Of Horror

Hello all and welcome to my second blog.

I had first heard of the Vipco label when I was at college. I had seen the covers in HMV and what drew my attention to them the line of Skulls at the top of the case.

Looking back the covers were quite boring and the red X with the PREVIOUSLY BANNED also got my attention.

My first Vipco I bought was NIGHTKILL and even though I was 18 I got asked for ID which I had shown.

I was at first disappointed when I eventually got round to watching it because it was an old film but then I realised they were going to be old.

I had my eye on other titles by them, such as - THE BEYOND, CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD, SHOGUN ASSASSIN, HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY etc.

They were cheap enough so I bought the majority of them and basked in the gory glory.

Surprisingly I still haven't seen CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST and CANNIBAL FEROX which they had also released.

But sadly as space in my dvd cuboard grew less and less I got rid of most of them which I now reqret.


Horror Films

Hello All

Now I first got into horror films by watching the George Romero zombie classic Dawn Of The Dead. That had everything I was looking for at the time, zombies, gore and a good soundtrack.

From there on I just fell in love with horror, my friend then let me watch the original TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE which at the time I didn't think was anything special. Now though it is viewed by me as a classic.

The video nasty era came to my attention when I was 20 and because I had a soft spot for anything that was banned I just had to hunt a few down. Zombie Flesh Eaters was my first Fulci film I actually watched and really enjoyed. My next Fulci film was City Of The Living Dead which I loved.

So I have plenty of Blogs to write about different horror things and things in general so I think I will end this blog here.

Thank you for reading.